"I'm sure the end result will be excellent and will achieve its goal."
- Stephen Fry
"Great fun spending the morning with you. Thanks guys."
- Will Young
"It was a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to seeing you again
for something I am sure will be equally important."
- Dame Judi Dench
"I wish Environment Films every success in their important missions."
- Sir David Attenborough
“Remarkable talent. They mindfully blended into the daily functions,
never upsetting routine or compromising the animals needs. They became us for a few days.”
- Julia Mclaren, Manager, Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary
“Hugely impressed with their professionalism, enthusiasm and genuine understanding of the project, what a team.”
- Sharon Johnson, Chief Executive, Trees for Cities
“By unanimous decision, EF has been selected as this years ‘Business Supporter of the Year Award’. one of our long term supporters, they are willing to help out in any way and their expertise has been invaluable on so many occasions.”
- Gill Maltby, UK Director, Animals Asia Foundation
“Quite remarkable!
I cannot imagine any other company could produce a better finished product.”
- John Dalley, Manager, Soi Dog Foundation
“EF took our raw footage and made a programme so incredibly powerful that it sent shock waves around the world.”
- Dave Neal, UK Welfare Director, Animals Asia Foundation.
"WOW to receive the film the day after it was filmed! Incredible.”
- Fiona Dear, Global Climate Change
“I feel deeply emotional with what you’ve produced.
The film is perfection and I hope it can be seen far and wide as it much deserves.”
- Jill Robinson MBE, Founder / CEO Animals Asia Foundation
"Everyone involved in the project agreed EF did a smashing job.
Highly recommended on all levels. The first of many together."
- Ian Tennant, Trust Manager, Resurgence Magazine
"I have a lot of time for these filmmakers who have a real sense of purpose. What they do matters.
I'm impressed by their whole body of work."
- Benjamin Zephaniah, Writer and Poet
"EF have set the benchmark for TfL films and we'e already asked them to make more."
- Garrett Emmerson, CEO, Transport for London
"Always a pleasure. Charming professionals with whom it's a delight to work. They have the unique ability to bring out the best in every situation and produce an excellent finished product."
- Terry Waite CBE, Humanitarian and Author
Environment Films is an award winning production company - a collective of creative and broad thinking individuals, all with a deep-rooted passion for the environment, human and animal ethics. EF produce films, documentaries and viral campaigns for organisations whose work and interests are connected to the natural world. Founded on ethical principle in 2008, EFs concern was that many charities and NGOs were not able to enjoy the benefits of quality media, because of the cost implications and as a result often failed to reach the all-important audience to which their critical campaigns were aimed. To ensure EF was a sustainable model (enabling the company to continue providing a non profit service to charities), in 2010 EF initiated a department to produce media for select corporate clients and operate a strict Social and Environmental Responsibility criteria whilst doing so. The success and quality of all EF productions; their far reaching impact and the increased awareness they have brought to a range of important campaigns has made EF the first choice for many of the UK’s leading charities and ethical businesses.

A film for Change for Animals Foundation. Featuring Ricky Gervais and Joanna Lumley, the film exposes the dog meat trade in Indonesia.